Summer Newsletter 2011
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Classmate Spotlight
Nicole Pelczynski
Class of '03
20% OFF All Apparel!
Wear Memories
Reunion Season
If you attended a class reunion in the past couple of years or if you are planning on attending your reunion this year, be sure to upload some reunion pictures on our alumni site. We are getting a lot of requests for more reunion, profile, yearbook and class photos. Thanks for sharing the memories!
Reunion Notices
Click here to check our class reunion page for updates.
Alumni Directory
Click here to search for classmates and old friends.
Torrin Suedmeyer
Class of '93
Marva Reins
Class of '60
Kathryn Kucinski/Barnett
Class of '77
debra merrell
Class of '83
Stephanie Setzekorn
Class of '94
Michael Anderson
Class of '08
Discussion Board
If you have an old story or if you would like to start a discussion on most any topic, visit our discussion board to start a discussion or post comments on current discussions. Thanks for sharing!
Visit the site for a more detailed look at what's been going on.

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