Rhinebeck High School 30th Class Reunion
July 17th, 2010
Terrapin at Dinsmore - Rt. 9 - Staatsburg, NY 12580
Invited Classes
About Event
The price for the reunion (including food, coffee, dessert, PLUS 2 hours UNLIMITED beer/wine, ALL gratuities...and the BAND for 4 hours will be $60/person...not bad considering, we're not paying much more than we did 10 years ago!!! It must be PAID IN FULL by June 15th! If you decide to go, but haven't paid by June 15th, the price will be $65.00/person (sorry)...but, we are charged late fees! Please make checks out to "Rhinebeck Class of 1980", and send them to me: Laura Theisen 17 Meadow Drive Red Hook, NY 12571-1202