Ridgewood High School Alumni
West Lafayette, Ohio (OH)
Ridgewood High School - Class of 1985 Alumni, West Lafayette OH
Join 24 alumni from Ridgewood High School Class of 1985. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Amy Duda
Class of 1985
Larry Taylor
Class of 1985
Denise Hursey
Class of 1985
Michael Grewell
Class of 1985
Denise Posey
Class of 1985
Art Way
Class of 1985
Larry Taylor
Class of 1985
Art Saylor
Class of 1985
David Elliott
Class of 1985
John Smith
Class of 1985
Dave Elliott
Class of 1985
Judy Laflin
Class of 1985
Calvin Rese
Class of 1985
Randy Rippeth
Class of 1985
Craig Mathews
Class of 1985
Nikkole Kinsley
Class of 1985
Greg Rehard
Class of 1985
Denise Olinger
Class of 1985
Karen Kaiser
Class of 1985
Alan Folkert
Class of 1985
Kristina Eick
Class of 1985
Jayne Hughes
Class of 1985
Becky Moore
Class of 1985
Shelly Hains
Class of 1985
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