River Valley High School Alumni

Three Oaks, Michigan (MI)

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River Valley High School - Class of 1990 Alumni, Three Oaks MI

Join 10 alumni from River Valley High School Class of 1990. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Janice Kolberg

Janice Kolberg
Class of 1990

James Horton

James Horton
Class of 1990

Terry Mikula

Terry Mikula
Class of 1990

Kara Keller

Kara Keller
Class of 1990

Sheri Wieczorek

Sheri Wieczorek
Class of 1990

Nick Veit

Nick Veit
Class of 1990

Anngela Lewellen

Anngela Lewellen
Class of 1990

Tamra Wines

Tamra Wines
Class of 1990

Karen Petersen

Karen Petersen
Class of 1990

Tonya Green

Tonya Green
Class of 1990

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