Riverside High School Alumni

Painesville Township, Ohio (OH)

AlumniClass Home  >  Ohio  >  Riverside High School  >  Class of 2001  >  Christine Raphael

Christine Raphael-fill (Christine Raphael)

Riverside High School
Class of 2001

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→ There are 66 classes, starting with the class of 1927 all the way up to class of 2018.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Christine
Last Name Raphael-fill
Maiden Name Raphael
Graduation Year Class of 2001
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province OH
Country United States
Occupation Home maker
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Prom with my friends
About Me I have been an assitant Head teller for a bank. I have married and have three kids and now stay at home
No photo uploaded

Class of 2001 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 25 class of 2001 alumni that have joined.

David Hlynsky

David Hlynsky
Class of 1965

Gill Ebert

Gill Ebert
Class of 1963

Tim Johnson

Tim Johnson
Class of 1993

Tim Apger

Tim Apger
Class of 2003

Ginny Jacobs

Ginny Jacobs
Class of 1953

Dale Smith

Dale Smith
Class of 1990

Amanda Peterson

Amanda Peterson
Class of 1991

Theresa Lory

Theresa Lory
Class of 1970

Rick Shank

Rick Shank
Class of 1992

Michael Lombardo

Michael Lombardo
Class of 2001

Debra Haffa

Debra Haffa
Class of 1973

Jim Buell

Jim Buell
Class of 1966

Marie Humphrey

Marie Humphrey
Class of 1962

Dave Szuhay

Dave Szuhay
Class of 2000

Douglas Rust

Douglas Rust
Class of 1972

Thomas Roelens

Thomas Roelens
Class of 1999

Alan Smith

Alan Smith
Class of 1978

Diane Dolce

Diane Dolce
Class of 1973

Niles Wendel

Niles Wendel
Class of 2004

Ron Haycox

Ron Haycox
Class of 1979

Dave Nagle

Dave Nagle
Class of 1983

Charles Voelker

Charles Voelker
Class of 1980

Maryellen Derrick

Maryellen Derrick
Class of 1983

Jim Krager

Jim Krager
Class of 1978