Robinson High School Alumni

Robinson, Texas (TX)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Adam Arthurs
Adam Arthurs
Class of 2000
Army, 10 Years

Did a total of 46 months in Iraq
Anthony Saenz
Anthony Saenz
Class of 1997
Army, 6 Years

Operation Noble Eagle - 2002, Stationed at Ft. Meade, Md. Supporting the National Security Agency.

Operation Iraqi Freedom - 2003 Baghdad, Iraq.
Brian L Fowler MD
Brian L Fowler MD
Class of 1977
Navy, 8 Years

Medical Officer of Destroyer Squadron Seven out of San Diego for 2 years and served as an Emergency Medicine physician at US Naval Hospital in San DIego (Balboa) and also 2 years at Portsmouth Naval Hospital in Virginia.
Cade Leuschner
Cade Leuschner
Class of 2006
Marine Corps, 1 Years

Cade has been in the Marine Corps for 1 year and will be leaving for training again Sept 2007 for 3 months and will then serve in Iraq for 13 months.
Cale maybin
Cale maybin
Class of 1989
Air Force, 7 Years

Air Cargo Specialist
David Smith
David Smith
Class of 1965
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired from USAF with 20+ years as an E-8
Been to 17 countries, Viet Nam 68-69
Grady W Harbour
Grady W Harbour
Class of 1965
Air Force, 20+ Years

Two tours in Viet Nam.. Career fighterpilot..Retired in 1990
Jared Tyler Loeser
Jared Tyler Loeser
Class of 2006
Air Force, 1 Years

Tyler just graduated from Special Services at Lackland Air Force Base/San Antonio in February and will be stationed in Turkey March 2007.
John Hunt
John Hunt
Class of 1994
Marine Corps, 9 Years

3rd Battalion, 8th Marines: Jan 02-Oct 05
MARSOC: Oct 05 - May 07
EWS: May 07-May 08
3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines: May 08-Present
Kenneth A Cole
Kenneth A Cole
Class of 1984
Army, 8 Years

I was a Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic, 1-5 FA 4 yrs at Ft Riley KS 1-15 FA Camp Casey Korea 1 yr 4 months, 58th Light Equipment General Maintenance Ft Bragg NC for the remainder
Lieutenant Commander Stephen Trzcinski
Lieutenant Commander Stephen Trzcinski
Class of 1977
Navy, 20+ Years

1986-2012. Trombone in Navy Bands in Memphis, Guam and Charleston (South Carolina). Director of U.S. Atlantic Fleet Band (Norfolk, Navy Band Northwest (Seattle), Navy Band Southeast (San Diego), U.S. Naval Forces Europe/NATO Band (Italy), U.S. Naval Academy Band.
Linda Siebert Landy
Linda Siebert Landy
Class of 1984
Army, 4 Years

I served in the Military Police Corps in Camp Page, Yongsan, Korea, Fort Hood, and in the Berlin Brigade.
Marilyn Morgan
Marilyn Morgan
Class of 1969
Army, 20+ Years

Served 8 years Air Force and the remaining 16 years as Army National Guard of which 12 of those years were active duty. Was activated for Desert storm in 1990 and served in Saudi and Kuwait for 6 months.

AF duties included administrative. NG duties included administrative clerk, training NCO, Budget Analyst, Radio NCO.
Martin Chavez
Martin Chavez
Class of 1998
Marine Corps, 5 Years

3 yrs in Okinawa, Japan
7 mths in Camp Pendleton, California
9 mths in Afghanistan
Mike Armour
Mike Armour
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 3 Years

USMC Force Recon, Okinawa, Japan
Mike Armour
Mike Armour
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 3 Years

USMC Force Recon Okinawa, Japan
Richard Long
Richard Long
Class of 1989
Air Force, 4 Years

Moody AFB, GA 1995-1999
Robert Long
Robert Long
Class of 1984
Air Force, 4 Years

4 years was enough
Roy Bailey
Roy Bailey
Class of 1981
Army, 8 Years

I served in Korea for 4 years at Camp Humphreys in the 302nd MI battalion and then went to Ft. Lewis Washington were I was injured on duty and medically retired. I served in the 501st Battalion at Ft. Lewis another Military Intelligence Battalion.
Sandi Herinckx
Sandi Herinckx
Class of 1992
Army, 3 Years

I was a cook at Fort Hood for 3 yrs. Yeah travel the world and Im 60 miles from home, lol. It was a great experience. I will have benefits for numberous things the rest of my life. The main reason I joined was to pay for college, which it did help me receive two degrees. Salute to all those serving overseas.
Sean Robertson
Sean Robertson
Class of 1989
Air Force, 5 Years

Served 3 years in Okinawa, Japan
Tim Heintzelman
Tim Heintzelman
Class of 1989
Air Force, 15 Years

Air Force Security Forces officer. Served in various positions throughout the United States, Europe, and Middle East to include a tour supporting Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.
Troy Hague
Troy Hague
Class of 1986
Navy, 6 Years

Served as Sonar Technician, Search and Rescue Swimmer, Intelligence Photographer, Joint Operational Tactical Data Systems Coordinator, Mast Mounted SITE Operator & .50 Caliber Machine Gunner in the Persian Gulf Theater (1989), South American Counter-Narcotics Operations (1990-1991).

Classmates Spotlight

Robinson High School Classmates

Pamela Collins
Class of '06

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Pride of the Blue History

The band boosters are now selling the hats and hat boxes for $10 instead of $20 and the pillows are really a neat idea f...
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Our Robinson High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Robinson High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Robinson are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!