Rogers High School Alumni
Spokane, Washington (WA)
Rogers High School - Class of 1964 Alumni, Spokane WA
Join 35 alumni from Rogers High School Class of 1964. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Claudia Carlsen Claudia Carlsen
Class of 1964
Jennifer Gent
Class of 1964
Richard Nelson
Class of 1964
Irwin Studebaker-haynes
Class of 1964
Dennis Shaw
Class of 1964
Dave Combs
Class of 1964
Michael Tirk
Class of 1964
William Phillips
Class of 1964
Dean Jacobson
Class of 1964
Dave Severson
Class of 1964
Carol Holcomb
Class of 1964
Ron Ponto
Class of 1964
Janice Foland
Class of 1964
Bob Carol Fagan
Class of 1964
Charlie Meyers
Class of 1964
William Bentley
Class of 1964
Irv Haynes
Class of 1964
Carma Clark
Class of 1964
Linda Patrick
Class of 1964
Myrna Winkle
Class of 1964
Steve Allen
Class of 1964
Ken Brandvold
Class of 1964
Karyn Schliebe Farwell
Class of 1964
Montgomery Bray
Class of 1964
Lyle Hynes
Class of 1964
Carol Conner
Class of 1964
Michael Fisk
Class of 1964
Del Thompson
Class of 1964
Robert Race
Class of 1964
Carol West
Class of 1964
Meg Rich
Class of 1964
Dennis Michael Shaw
Class of 1964
Cheryl Ketterling
Class of 1964
Judy Ramsvig
Class of 1964
Carol Nugent
Class of 1964
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