Roosevelt High School Alumni

Honolulu, Hawaii (HI)

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Ron Lee

Roosevelt High School
Class of 1977

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No photo uploaded
First Name Ron
Last Name Lee
Graduation Year Class of 1977
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province HI
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1977 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 28 class of 1977 alumni that have joined.

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Lhea-nicole Kaai

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Class of 1974

Ned Hamito

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Henry Amaral

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Ruth Johnson

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David Tong-on

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Class of 1978

Steven Kimball

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Class of 1987

Jo-ann Jo-ann Ching

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Class of 1960

Arleen Miller

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Class of 1980

Mike Mike Nomura

Mike Mike Nomura
Class of 1996

Glorietta Ayers

Glorietta Ayers
Class of 1967

Daniel Kekahuna

Daniel Kekahuna
Class of 1976

Allen Yee

Allen Yee
Class of 1974

Warner Wong

Warner Wong
Class of 1964

Yolanda Pratt

Yolanda Pratt
Class of 1980

Calvin Iwashita

Calvin Iwashita
Class of 1974

Pinyo Hongchuta

Pinyo Hongchuta
Class of 1969

Gayle Namba

Gayle Namba
Class of 1969

Yuan Li Zou

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Class of 2007