San Marino High School Meet And Greet Cocktail Party Tbd
June 9th, 2021
Undetermined - Please send suggestions.
Invited Classes
About Event
A home for the Friday night before the BIG EVENT has been generously offered! Waiting on confirmation and detail...will keep you all posted!
SMHS 1972 50th Class Reunion
July 9th, 2022 5:30pm - 10:00pm
Valley Hunt Club
Invited Classes
About Event
The meet and greet Friday, July 8th will be at the Langham Tap Room. Time is open but it is a NO HOST event.
We have also decided that the "all class gathering will be on Saturday 11-2ish at San MArino High depending on avaliablilty
Recommended Hotels
I am working on a b;lock at the Langham I will let you know when that is secured...reservations are up to each classmate. I will also add a list of other motels in the area with pricing soon.
Robin Braislin '72 said:
Class of 72~
We are still looking for any contact info on the following people. Any help is greatly appreciated, please email me at if you can help us.
Armour William
Bowen Teri
Camargo Margo
Cowie Margaret
de Moss Reed
De Rienzo Jennifer Miller
Drake John
Duncan Debbie
Eddy Bruce
Enrico John
Farrington Bonnie Manasen sent email
Fielding Theresa
Foreman Jon sent emailed
Frank Jon
Giedzinski Lorraine Bass
Holterman Heidi Foerstner
Houtz Kim
Keller Kathy
Keller Melva. Who is this?
King Brad
Lavoie Art
McNeil William
Melzer Marc
Merrill Paul
Morley Robert
Perry Bill
Phillipp Christy
Richards Karen Nichols
Schlegel Jeanine
Schmidt Tom
Seaborne Dave
Sewell Mark
Sewell Patty Lackey
Shaw Carla Bryant does want to be found
Shaw William
Skaff Teresa
Smith Craig
Smith Tom
Strangman Bill
Swanson Keith
Tully Art
Vogel Reese
Wall Doug
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