Scottsburg High School Alumni

Scottsburg, Indiana (IN)

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Darryl Nichols Nichols

Scottsburg High School
Class of 1980

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No photo uploaded
First Name Darryl Nichols
Last Name Nichols
Graduation Year Class of 1980
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province IN
Country United States
Occupation senior designer
Married No
Favorite School Memory graduation
About Me name it
No photo uploaded

Class of 1980 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 19 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.

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Lauren Shelhamer
Class of 2007

Anna Stotts

Anna Stotts
Class of 1972

Jennifer Lynch

Jennifer Lynch
Class of 1987

Jared Sawin

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Class of 1998

Marvin Wolpert

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Class of 1962

Lana Baker

Lana Baker
Class of 1988

Brooke Routh

Brooke Routh
Class of 2009

Michael Dejaynes

Michael Dejaynes
Class of 2002

Ron Stidam

Ron Stidam
Class of 1971

Robert Carlile

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Class of 1952

Steve Cunningham

Steve Cunningham
Class of 1973

Donny Briddle

Donny Briddle
Class of 1983

Marilyn Ruehl

Marilyn Ruehl
Class of 1954

Emily Smith

Emily Smith
Class of 1998

Monty Craig

Monty Craig
Class of 1972

Teri Koscove

Teri Koscove
Class of 1998

Kalee Prewitt

Kalee Prewitt
Class of 1996

Pam Gaither

Pam Gaither
Class of 1991

Jason Kendall

Jason Kendall
Class of 1995

Dee Dee Carr

Dee Dee Carr
Class of 1979

Patti Hall Patti Johnson

Patti Hall Patti Johnson
Class of 1973

Joseph Boley

Joseph Boley
Class of 1964

Carolyn Amick

Carolyn Amick
Class of 1981

Betty Owens

Betty Owens
Class of 1982