Sebeka High School Alumni

Sebeka, Minnesota (MN)

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Audrey Olson (Audrey Audrey Coventry)

Sebeka High School
Class of 1980

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→ There are 71 classes, starting with the class of 1933 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Audrey
Last Name Olson
Maiden Name Audrey Coventry
Graduation Year Class of 1980
Gender Female
No photo uploaded

Class of 1980 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 12 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.

Julie Huttunen

Julie Huttunen
Class of 1974

Buffie Gorden

Buffie Gorden
Class of 1995

Katelyn Ascheman

Katelyn Ascheman
Class of 2005

Vonna Hooley

Vonna Hooley
Class of 1979

Marvin Marvin Swenson

Marvin Marvin Swenson
Class of 1972

Kevin Berry

Kevin Berry
Class of 1985

Karen Gronlund

Karen Gronlund
Class of 1984

Elizabeth Tolppi

Elizabeth Tolppi
Class of 1965

Denny Denny Frahm

Denny Denny Frahm
Class of 1970

Charles Heikkinen

Charles Heikkinen
Class of 1961

Steve Covert

Steve Covert
Class of 1994

Dennis Bernstetter

Dennis Bernstetter
Class of 1969

Virginia Samuelson

Virginia Samuelson
Class of 1965

Rachel Lagus

Rachel Lagus
Class of 1963

Jim Utecht

Jim Utecht
Class of 1975

Sarah VanTiger

Sarah VanTiger
Class of 1990

Kelly Davis

Kelly Davis
Class of 1980

Leah Palokangas

Leah Palokangas
Class of 1994

Harry Mickunas

Harry Mickunas
Class of 1990

Corey Hoefs

Corey Hoefs
Class of 1989

Denine Rathcke

Denine Rathcke
Class of 1994

Wendy Makela

Wendy Makela
Class of 1995

Sarah Gilster

Sarah Gilster
Class of 1990

John Hendrickson

John Hendrickson
Class of 1997