Sebeka High School Alumni

Sebeka, Minnesota (MN)

AlumniClass Home  >  Minnesota  >  Sebeka High School  >  Class of 1993  >  Danny Danny Davey

Danny Davey (Danny Danny Davey)

Sebeka High School
Class of 1993

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→ There are 71 classes, starting with the class of 1933 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Danny
Last Name Davey
Maiden Name Danny Davey
Graduation Year Class of 1993
Gender Male
No photo uploaded

Class of 1993 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 10 class of 1993 alumni that have joined.

Rodney Kyro

Rodney Kyro
Class of 1972

Christie Crabb

Christie Crabb
Class of 1990

Rachel Klaphake

Rachel Klaphake
Class of 1990

Michael Pauly

Michael Pauly
Class of 1987

Laura Kreklau

Laura Kreklau
Class of 1997

Debra Warm

Debra Warm
Class of 1975

Victor Kern

Victor Kern
Class of 1986

Lorn Limanen

Lorn Limanen
Class of 1979

Rebecca Carlson

Rebecca Carlson
Class of 1997

Jillayn Jillayn Quaschnick

Jillayn Jillayn Quaschnick
Class of 1985

Cindi Cindi K Wright

Cindi Cindi K Wright
Class of 1972

Laszlo Szathmary

Laszlo Szathmary
Class of 1982

Christine Brockpahler

Christine Brockpahler
Class of 1983

Wendy Makela

Wendy Makela
Class of 1995

Ruth Dague

Ruth Dague
Class of 1983

Beverly Makela

Beverly Makela
Class of 1970

Christian Horton

Christian Horton
Class of 1996

Karen Marjama

Karen Marjama
Class of 1969

Yulanda Kern

Yulanda Kern
Class of 1987

Elizabeth Names

Elizabeth Names
Class of 1981

Dayna Tumberg

Dayna Tumberg
Class of 1996

Nichole Ascheman

Nichole Ascheman
Class of 2007

Michael Heino

Michael Heino
Class of 1991

Jane Paurus

Jane Paurus
Class of 1983