Sequoia High School Alumni

Redwood City, California (CA)

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Sequoia High School - Class of 1978 Alumni, Redwood City CA

Join 14 alumni from Sequoia High School Class of 1978. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Patricia Patricia Farrell

Patricia Patricia Farrell
Class of 1978

Sheri Brahms

Sheri Brahms
Class of 1978

Kevin Ziegler

Kevin Ziegler
Class of 1978

Denise Pease

Denise Pease
Class of 1978

Keith Duncan

Keith Duncan
Class of 1978

Susan Pease

Susan Pease
Class of 1978

Sarah Ortiz

Sarah Ortiz
Class of 1978

Danny Gutierrez

Danny Gutierrez
Class of 1978

Laurie Payton

Laurie Payton
Class of 1978

Scott Duggen

Scott Duggen
Class of 1978

Louis Chacon

Louis Chacon
Class of 1978

Steve Phillips

Steve Phillips
Class of 1978

Steve Virdell

Steve Virdell
Class of 1978

Laureen Desotel

Laureen Desotel
Class of 1978

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