Sequoia High School Alumni

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Joan Denton (Joan Barsocchini)

Sequoia High School
Class of 1957

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Joan Barsocchini - Class of 1957 - Sequoia High School
First Name Joan
Last Name Denton
Maiden Name Barsocchini
Graduation Year Class of 1957
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province AZ
Country United States
Occupation retired
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Laughing in the halls with a special friend. Going to Woolworth's for a Tulip Sundae.
About Me Worked as secretary and raised three daughters. Been married 47 years this December.
Joan Barsocchini - Class of 1957 - Sequoia High School

Class of 1957 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 10 class of 1957 alumni that have joined.

Marie Deto

Marie Deto
Class of 1983

Jose Cortes

Jose Cortes
Class of 2004

Carol Toor

Carol Toor
Class of 1969

Gonzalo Alvarado

Gonzalo Alvarado
Class of 2000

Cathie Stingley

Cathie Stingley
Class of 1968

Shane Mcclymont

Shane Mcclymont
Class of 2012

David Brown

David Brown
Class of 1977

Lillian Boicelli

Lillian Boicelli
Class of 1975

Victor Hugo Vences

Victor Hugo Vences
Class of 1997

Ana Bravo

Ana Bravo
Class of 2010

Frank Bernsdorf

Frank Bernsdorf
Class of 1969

Valerie Valerie Frone

Valerie Valerie Frone
Class of 1963

Nicole Sardy

Nicole Sardy
Class of 2002

Frank Hecht

Frank Hecht
Class of 1965

Brittney James

Brittney James
Class of 1991

Donald Smiley

Donald Smiley
Class of 1955

Michael Wilton

Michael Wilton
Class of 2001

Kathy Dempsey

Kathy Dempsey
Class of 1975

Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson
Class of 1972

Judy Philips

Judy Philips
Class of 1975

Garret Rosslow

Garret Rosslow
Class of 1958

Charly Martinez

Charly Martinez
Class of 2003

Jamie Brown

Jamie Brown
Class of 1980

Leilani Lynch

Leilani Lynch
Class of 1972

Recent Class of 1957 Reunions

Plan a Class of 1957 Reunion for Free

55th Reunion

Invited Classes: 1957

Date: Aug 17, 2012

Description: Get flyers for 8/17 (Hors d'oeuvres & no-host cocktails)--$15 and for 8/18 (Alumni Picnic-catered BBQ + tours, cheer...(read more)

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