Shaker High School Alumni
Latham, New York (NY)
Shaker High School - Class of 1964 Alumni, Latham NY
Join 28 alumni from Shaker High School Class of 1964. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Susan Ordway
Class of 1964

Phyllis Rosinski
Class of 1964

Cas Bzomowski
Class of 1964

Joan Moore
Class of 1964

Ron Roe
Class of 1964

Larry Wager
Class of 1964

Leslie Palmer
Class of 1964

Nancy Slater
Class of 1964

John Landmesser
Class of 1964

Lee Regan
Class of 1964

Fred Burner
Class of 1964

Linda Mccarthy Renchkovsky
Class of 1964

Robert Bartholomew
Class of 1964

Sharyn Cappallo
Class of 1964

Joseph Etlinger
Class of 1964

George Singer
Class of 1964

Barbara Fredenburgh
Class of 1964

Rosemary Pondillo
Class of 1964

Tom Shelly
Class of 1964

Joe Ballard
Class of 1964

John Estep
Class of 1964

Gail Shortsleeve
Class of 1964

Gail Shortsleeve
Class of 1964

Philip Kopach
Class of 1964

Stephannie D'orazio
Class of 1964

Ed Sharlet
Class of 1964

Richard Webb
Class of 1964

George Singer
Class of 1964
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