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Lesley Clark

Shawnee Mission South High School
Class of 1987

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Lesley Clark - Class of 1987 - Shawnee Mission South High School
First Name Lesley
Last Name Clark
Graduation Year Class of 1987
Gender Female
Current Location Overland Park, Kansas
Hometown Overland Park, Kansas
Relationship Status Divorced
About Me 2 Notifications Lesley Lukenbill Find Friends Home Privacy Shortcuts Account Settings Tagged Get Notes via RSS Report Sponsored See All Sponsored AT&T Small Business All for Less with Broadband & Unlimited Nationwide Voice. Starting $75/mo for 12 months. All for Less Bundles - AT&T Small Business Like This Page David Stevenson likes American Standard. American Standard Like Stanley Tire & Automotive Mom & pop shop, locally owned by two entrepreneurs who care about YOU! Like · 197 people like Stanley Tire & Automotive. NAPA Kansas City Keep your vehicle running smooth with great oil change specials at your local NAPA store! Like · 895 people like NAPA Kansas City. Dillons "Like" Dillon's now & order your Easter Appetizer tray, Brunch or Dinner. We have it all. Like · 17,684 people like Dillons. Davis Coen Country-blues singer's new album available online today through Itunes, Amazon & CDBaby! Like · 2,302 people like Davis Coen. The Shoreless River Profound soul-experience! Delightful torrent of mystic-spiritual poetry. Pure Zen!—Partho Like · 2,086 people like The Shoreless River Paperback by Pariksith Singh. About me... by JD Luedtke (Notes) on Friday, February 3, 2012 at 2:29pm If you're reading this (yes, you!!) I totally wanna see your answers & have you do this, too. Oh come on, its easy! Delete my answers, fill these out & tag me so I can read yours. Oh you know ya wanna :)1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No.2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks. -- and believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming nothing is exactly as it seems. Now, here's what you're supposed to do. . . Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag as many of your friends as you'd like. Some are really hard to admit!!!! Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? Yes Been arrested? yes Kissed someone you didn't like? yes Slept in until 5 PM? yes Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes Held a snake? Yes Ran a red light? Yes Been suspended from school? yes Experienced love at first sight? yes Totaled your car in an accident? yes Been fired from a job? yes Fired somebody? no Sang karaoke? yes Pointed a gun at someone? no Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yes Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes Kissed in the rain? Yes Had a close brush with death (your own)? no Seen someone die? yes Played spin-the-bottle? yes Sang in the shower? Yes Smoked a cigar? yes Sat on a rooftop? no Taken pictures of yourself nekkid? yes Smuggled something into another country? no Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? yes Broken a bone? no Skipped school? Yes Eaten a bug? yes Sleepwalked? no Walked a moonlit beach? no Rode a motorcycle? no Dumped someone? Yes Forgotten your anniversary? No Lied to avoid a ticket? yes Ridden in a helicopter?no Shaved your head? no Blacked out from drinking? yes Played a prank on someone? no Hit a home run?no Felt like killing someone? yes Cross-dressed? no Been falling-down drunk? yes Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes Eaten snake? yes Marched/Protested? no Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? yes Puked on amusement ride? no Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? no Been in a band? no Knitted? no Been on TV? yes Shot a gun? yes Skinny-dipped? no Gave someone stitches? no Eaten a whole habenero pepper? no Ridden a surfboard? no Drank straight from a liquor bottle? yes Had surgery? yes Streaked? no Taken by ambulance to hospital? no Tripped on mushrooms? no Passed out when not drinking? yes Peed on a bush? no Donated Blood? no Grabbed electric fence? no Eaten alligator meat? no Eaten cheesecake? Yes Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? yes Killed an animal when not hunting? yes Peed your pants in public? no Snuck into a movie without paying? yes Written graffiti? no Still love someone you shouldn't? yes Think about the future? Yes Been in handcuffs? yes Believe in lov...(read more)
Lesley Clark - Class of 1987 - Shawnee Mission South High School

Class of 1987 Alumni

→ Reunite with 46 class of 1987 alumni that have joined.

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Jennifer Bacon

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Dan Greig

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Dana Smoot

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Class of 1975

Heather Kaplinger

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Liz Tibbs

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Krystal Wilson

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Class of 2004

Fred Anderson

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Class of 1965

Joshua Quigley

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Class of 1998

Mark Blackford

Mark Blackford
Class of 1977

Paul Nobrega

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Class of 1982

Robin Bateman

Robin Bateman
Class of 1972

Mar Ahlrichs

Mar Ahlrichs
Class of 1981

Asher Herbet

Asher Herbet
Class of 2011

Kim Wagner

Kim Wagner
Class of 1976

Betty Brown

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Class of 1968

Kimberly Miller

Kimberly Miller
Class of 1991

Jay Miringoff

Jay Miringoff
Class of 1974

Matthew Matthew Bernstein

Matthew Matthew Bernstein
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