Simon Kenton High School Alumni
Independence, Kentucky (KY)
Simon Kenton High School - Class of 1965 Alumni, Independence KY
Join 15 alumni from Simon Kenton High School Class of 1965. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Tish Tish Harris / Patricia
Class of 1965
Janice Berryman
Class of 1965
Sandra Staggs
Class of 1965
Carl Wicklund
Class of 1965
George Hoffman
Class of 1965
Sandy Dozier
Class of 1965
Carol Deaton
Class of 1965
Wavelyn Hine
Class of 1965
Linda Eckle
Class of 1965
Larry Farris
Class of 1965
Sandy Adams
Class of 1965
Carol Deaton Roosevelt
Class of 1965
Rodney Young
Class of 1965
Dennis Tungate
Class of 1965
Joyce Parker
Class of 1965
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