Socorro High School Alumni
Socorro, New Mexico (NM)
Jeremiah Clark
Socorro High School
Class of 2005
→ Join 1396 Alumni from Socorro High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 64 classes, starting with the class of 1929 all the way up to class of 2022.
Class of 2005 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
Michhael Maldonado
Class of 1982
David 5854188967
Class of 1989
Eddie Hernandez
Class of 1991
D. Shirleen Fowler
Class of 1972
Tina Lamkin
Class of 1990
Kiyoka Kiyoka M Scharle Chrisman
Class of 2002
Marie Montoya
Class of 1997
Richard Pino
Class of 2005
Gil Rojas
Class of 1999
Phillip Baca Phillip Baca
Class of 1984
Crystal Gutbrod
Class of 1992
Iva Green
Class of 1980
Keith Ashmore
Class of 1989
Brandi Chavez
Class of 2008
Jimmie Jimmie Bartlett
Class of 1967
Rachel Uribarri
Class of 2004
Patrick Vallejos
Class of 1991
Mike Coles
Class of 1970
Pauline Olguin
Class of 1967
Lorenzo Muriel
Class of 1961
Devin Smith
Class of 2018
Diana Parson-lincoln
Class of 1971
Theresa Lopez
Class of 1984
Ricky Alcantar
Class of 2000