52nd Class Reunion/70th Birthday Party
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South High School 52nd Class Reunion/70th Birthday Party


September 11th, 2015
(ending September 12th, 2015)


Windy Knoll Banquet Room

Invited Classes


About Event

Classmates: You have received your letter and forms. Please take a moment to complete and mail them to Connie Stevison.
SEPT. 11th Meet/Greet at Heritage Center Downtown Springfield from 6:30 to 9 PM
SEPT. 12th Dinner at Windy Knoll includes music(DJ)and loads of fun from 6 to 10 PM. Call all your classmates and lets have a good turnout for this one.

52nd Class Reunion/70th Birthday Party
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel