South Stanly High School Alumni

Norwood, North Carolina (NC)

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South Stanly High School - Class of 2000 Alumni, Norwood NC

Join 11 alumni from South Stanly High School Class of 2000. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Jeremy Laidley

Jeremy Laidley
Class of 2000

Nina Sweatt

Nina Sweatt
Class of 2000

Christopher Watson

Christopher Watson
Class of 2000

Joe Smith

Joe Smith
Class of 2000

Kristen Curlee

Kristen Curlee
Class of 2000

Eric Kimrey

Eric Kimrey
Class of 2000

Yer Lee

Yer Lee
Class of 2000

Christian Treece

Christian Treece
Class of 2000

Amy Poplin

Amy Poplin
Class of 2000

Melissa Gardin

Melissa Gardin
Class of 2000

Lindsay Davis

Lindsay Davis
Class of 2000

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