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Springfield High School Apparel

Springfield High School Obituaries

Nikki Alexander
Nikki Alexander
Class of 1980
Mark Traughber
Mark Traughber
Class of 1980
Martha Sanford Fletcher
Martha Sanford Fletcher
Class of 1949
Passed Mar 14, 2012
Mary Sue Farmer Dodd
Mary Sue Farmer Dodd
Class of 1951
Passed May 16, 2006
Lisa Leanne Heatherly Blackwell
Lisa LeAnne Heatherly Blackwell
Class of 1978
Passed Jan 05, 2009

Recently Joined Yellow Jackets

April Murphy
April Murphy
Class of 1988
Ruby Scarbrough
Ruby Scarbrough
Class of 2011
Ruth Richards
Ruth Richards
Class of 1969
George Hall
George Hall
Class of 1964
Laronia Wright
Laronia Wright
Class of 2002
Jennifer Lassiter
Jennifer Lassiter
Class of 1988
Arden Lewis
Arden Lewis
Class of 1971
Thomas Felts
Thomas Felts
Class of 1958
Jamie Foster
Jamie Foster
Class of 1997
Sencola Mcdowell
Sencola Mcdowell
Class of 2009
Heather Hinkle
Heather Hinkle
Class of 1992
Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Class of 1982