St Joseph-Ogden High School Alumni
St Joseph, Illinois (IL)
Kima Walters (Kima Harvey)
St Joseph-Ogden High School
Class of 1984
→ Join 1681 Alumni from St Joseph-Ogden High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 59 classes, starting with the class of 1953 all the way up to class of 2021.
First Name | Kima |
Last Name | Walters |
Maiden Name | Harvey |
Graduation Year | Class of 1984 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | IL |
Country | United States |
Occupation | Business Office Assistant/Clerical Archivist |
Married | Yes |
Favorite School Memory | Hanging out with Friends |
Class of 1984 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 24 class of 1984 alumni that have joined.
Greg Knott
Class of 1984
Amy Loschen
Class of 1998
Juli Trumbull
Class of 1980
Craig Huls
Class of 2004
Paul Wissmann
Class of 1998
Andrea Peters
Class of 2002
Richard Prather
Class of 1975
Harmony Korine
Class of 2006
Michael Johnson
Class of 1982
Teresa Kissack
Class of 1991
Michael Lee
Class of 1991
Lori Frerichs
Class of 1976
Amy Barcus
Class of 1986
Adriane Powell
Class of 1981
Larry Mitchaner
Class of 2000
Karla Hunter
Class of 1977
Linda Wienke
Class of 1980
Linda Mccormack
Class of 1976
Cathy Treat
Class of 1983
Katie Ribbe
Class of 1995
Genetti Reitmeier
Class of 1993
Michelle Fletcher
Class of 1998
Amy Scharlau
Class of 1991
Lyna Riggs
Class of 1977