St. Peter High School Alumni
St. Peter, Minnesota (MN)
St. Peter High School - Class of 1979 Alumni
Join 21 alumni from St. Peter High School Class of 1979. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Bob Schwartz
Class of 1979
Ann Marie Kopp
Class of 1979
Kris Malmborg
Class of 1979
Steve Rustman
Class of 1979
Becki Garver
Class of 1979
Stacy Gardner
Class of 1979
Deanna Steffensmeier
Class of 1979
Dawn Kienlen
Class of 1979
Tim Underwood
Class of 1979
Gail Lambert
Class of 1979
Martha Hageness
Class of 1979
Margaret Hubbard
Class of 1979
Scott Lager
Class of 1979
Sheryl Kaveney
Class of 1979
David Bowles
Class of 1979
Scott Webster
Class of 1979
Dale C. Larson
Class of 1979
Krist Kranz
Class of 1979
Joy Wieland
Class of 1979
Sherry Kaveney
Class of 1979
Sherry Kaveney
Class of 1979
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