Class of 1966 50th Reunion
Stockton Golf & Country Club
Hi Stagg 66er's. Go to my profile page Denny Ah-Tye and click on the "My Photos" and get the Reunion Flyer for all the details for our 50th. Your Reunion Committee have plan events for the day before and after since a number of classmates said the 40th went by in a flash.
Saturday, October 15th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1965 50th Reunion
Stockton Golf & Country Club
6/16/2015 update:
Excitement is building for our 50 year reunion for the Class of 1965! The reservation forms have been emailed or sent out via USPS and the checks are rolling in! The deadline for reservations was July 15 but we can now extend it to Aug. 7. If you are not in contact with the Reunion Committee, please send word to Carol Sims at cesims2@sbcglobal.net
Please keep spreading the word to other classmates and make sure the reunion committee has up to date email addresses. This is going to be a fabulous reunion!
Saturday, August 22nd, 2015
Invited Classes:
Event Details
1974 Class Reunion
St. Basil's Greek Hall
The Reunion will be 3-day event. On Sep. 26 we are planning an afternoon tour of Stagg High and Happy Hour. Sep. 27 is actual reunion with a dinner & dance. Sep. 28 will be a family picnic. Join us on facebook/StaggHigh40thReunion or contact us at stagg.reunion@yahoo.com Hope to see you there!
Saturday, September 27th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Stagg High Class of 98 15 year reunion
Valley Brewing Company
Please join your fellow classmates as we come together for our 15 year reunion at Valley Brewing Company on November 2, 2013 @6pm.
Tickets are $40 each , which will include a buffet and entertainment.
Saturday, November 2nd, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Reunion - A.A. Stagg Class of 1971
October 14th - 2:00 p.m - Homecoming parade on Pacific Avenue. Football game 7 p.m. @ the new stadium at Stagg. - - October 15th - Morning - Golf Tournament - 6:00 p.m. - Celebration at University Plaza Waterfront Hotel - 110 W. Fremont St.
The AA Stagg High 40 Year Reunion for the Class of 1971 is taking place October 14 and 15, 2011. Friday, October 14 - 2pm Homecoming parade and 6pm VIP Reception at the new Stagg football stadium with a 7pm kick off against Tokay! Saturday, October 15 - Golf and dinner dance being held at University Plaza Waterfront Hotel. ($71/person) Wayne Hose and Carla (209) 478--7019, Kim and Barbara (Sawyer) Deftieros, Linda (Allen) Marino, and Joe Gatz are on the committee. Barbara is in charge of reservations (209)477-4019. RSVP Mail checks payable to the "Class of 1971", C/O Barbara Deftereos @ 1204 Heavenly Circle, Stockton, CA 95209
Saturday, October 15th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Stagg High Class of 1970 Class Reunion
Elkhorn Golf and Country Club - 1050 Elkhorn Dr - Stockton, Calif - .
Please go to CLASSENCOUNTERS.COM and get your reservations. Your last chance to see and visit with friends and reconnect(. NOT GET YOUNGER, BUT WE ARE BETTER) with our classmates that we grow up with. Music to take us down memory lane by DAVID ALLEN KRAHAM. SLIDE SHOW FROM THE PAST TO THE PRESENT. If you have pictures of your family now, pictures from high school. and bids, programs(HS) that I can include in slide show.?? Please attach to my e-mail below or ask me for my address Best price is NOW with classencounters See you there!!!!!!~ Lois and the reunion committee
Saturday, August 7th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
45th Reunion
The Haggin Museum - Victory Park - 1201 North Pershing Avenue - Stockton, California 95203
Paid reservations must be received no later than July 15, 2010.
Saturday, August 28th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Reunion Picnic
Oak Grove Regional Park
Hot dogs, Hamburgers and cake will be provided. Everyone bring everything else. Let me know an estimate on attendance
Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Stagg High School Class of 1979
Paragarys Restaurant - Downtown Stockton on the Outdoor Sunset Deck - 11 - Spaces are limited to the first 200 guests. - Dinner - Please see attached invitation - - If you have any questions please contact - Denise, Krista or Pheobe - Stagghighclassof1
We are looking for addresses/ email addresses of other classmates. Please pass along your information for our data base for this reunion! Even if you are not planning on attending the reunion if you could send us your information so that we have it for future reunions we would appreciate it - your information will be kept private and not shared. Our email address is Stagghighclassof1979@yahoo.com or one listed below!
Saturday, October 17th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
45th Reunion
Stockton Golf & Country Club
Let me know if you would be interested in anything beyond just the dinner/dance, like a Friday-night picnic or a Sunday-morning brunch. Also contact your friends and tell them as well. Prices are yet to be determined. More details will follow. Thanks.
Saturday, August 15th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details