Staples-motley High School Alumni
Staples, Minnesota (MN)
Deborah Johnson (Deborah Korach)
Staples-motley High School
Class of 1981
→ Join 1534 Alumni from Staples-motley High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 75 classes, starting with the class of 1926 all the way up to class of 2017.
First Name | Deborah |
Last Name | Johnson |
Maiden Name | Korach |
Graduation Year | Class of 1981 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | FL |
Country | United States |
Occupation | HHA, CNA |
Married | Yes |
Class of 1981 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 15 class of 1981 alumni that have joined.
Marjean Martin
Class of 1969
Dustin Pavlacky
Class of 1996
Kristi Serich
Class of 1989
Jill Leifermann
Class of 1989
Adria Fasano
Class of 2003
Christopher Salvati
Class of 2003
Sally Anderson
Class of 1994
Peter Card
Class of 1952
Connie Huff
Class of 1985
Kelly Costner
Class of 1999
John Loftis
Class of 1938
Robert Billinger
Class of 1960
Jennifer Christensen
Class of 1989
Kenneth Robben
Class of 2009
Jim Lelwica
Class of 1984
Trevor Skeesick
Class of 1991
Jeff Ziegler
Class of 1986
Roger Randgaard
Class of 1961
Jeff Sklenicka
Class of 1978
Laura Denny
Class of 1950
Kevin Shequen
Class of 1992
Chris Jennissen
Class of 2002
Jim Durbin
Class of 1970
Hope White
Class of 2000