Stillwater High School Alumni

Stillwater, Minnesota (MN)

AlumniClass Home  >  Minnesota  >  Stillwater High School  >  Class of 1988  >  Magaret Parsons

Magaret Johnson (Magaret Parsons)

Stillwater High School
Class of 1988

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→ There are 80 classes, starting with the class of 1932 all the way up to class of 2021.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Magaret
Last Name Johnson
Maiden Name Parsons
Graduation Year Class of 1988
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province MN
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1988 Alumni

→ Reunite with 82 class of 1988 alumni that have joined.

William Moelter

William Moelter
Class of 1965

Amy Zeuli

Amy Zeuli
Class of 1994

Kelly Johnson

Kelly Johnson
Class of 1989

Tracy Carlson

Tracy Carlson
Class of 1986

Kendrick Vinar

Kendrick Vinar
Class of 1985

Kathy Stewart

Kathy Stewart
Class of 1977

John Diedrich

John Diedrich
Class of 1987

Carrie Zinschlag

Carrie Zinschlag
Class of 1977

Debra Debra Laiti

Debra Debra Laiti
Class of 1974

Michael Manore

Michael Manore
Class of 1979

Sue Vezina

Sue Vezina
Class of 1984

Nate Hummel

Nate Hummel
Class of 1993

Leslie Ahlgren

Leslie Ahlgren
Class of 1972

Jeff Stellmach

Jeff Stellmach
Class of 1987

Jarrod Spadino

Jarrod Spadino
Class of 1986

Jerry Brunner

Jerry Brunner
Class of 1965

Andrea Westmoreland

Andrea Westmoreland
Class of 1996

Mitchell Miller

Mitchell Miller
Class of 2005

Lauren Zubert

Lauren Zubert
Class of 2011

Rebecca Peterson

Rebecca Peterson
Class of 1981

Diane Petersen

Diane Petersen
Class of 1967

Michael Cassano

Michael Cassano
Class of 2001

Mary Sample

Mary Sample
Class of 1988

Gary Brunckhorst

Gary Brunckhorst
Class of 1990