SNHS Class of 2004 Reunion
Laurel Run Park
The homecoming football game is Friday, 9/19 at 7:30. We will have seats reserved for our class. Then on Saturday, 9/20 beginning at 1:30 we will have a picnic for our class and our families. Please let Brooke (Mann) Burleson, Aubrey (Collins) Light, Andrew Ketron or Danielle (Mayo) Madden know you will be attending so we can plan for food, picnic supplies, etc. Each class member will need to provide a dish. Hope to see you at one or both!
Saturday, September 20th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Sullivan North Alumni Covered Dish Reunion
Mead Cabin.
Due to facility costs ($200.00), we will need to collect the money(s), $10 per couple/ $5.00 per single, for this by Wed. Sept. 21. Please send you money to Gail Pendleton Christian @ 279 Creek Rd. Church Hill, TN 37642. Once the facility costs are met, remaining moneys will be used for paper, utensil and decoration costs... Please bring enough food & drinks for you and your guest(s)..
Saturday, October 1st, 2011
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
10 Year Reunion
Stir Fry Cafe Kingsport, TN
Please contact Sarah Moody at 423-773-8384 or flame_00@hotmail.com for details
Saturday, September 18th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
SNHS Class of 1990 20-Year Reunion
Stir Fry Café - 2nd Floor Banquet Rooms - 125 Broad Street, Kingsport, TN
Please join us in celebrating Sullivan North High School's Class of 1990 20-year Reunion! Get re-acquainted with your classmates! Please visit our website to print detailed Flyer and Reservation Form! http://www.sullivannorth90.info/ Weekend Festivities!! Friday – Oct. 15, 2010: Homecoming Game starts @ 7:00 pm; Please join us for tailgating! Reserved seating for Alumni during game. Alter’d State - Rich Wagner’s Band!! 10:00 pm – Midnight @ Woodstone Deli. No cover for SNHS Class of 1990 Alumni! Saturday - Oct. 16, 2010: SNHS 20-Year Reunion Dinner and Dance Party! 7:00 pm - Midnight @ Stir Fry Café - 2nd Floor Banquet Rooms (Decorated entrance on left) $30.00 per person / $60.00 per couple – Reservation form (see website http://www.sullivannorth90.info/) and payment is due by Sept. 24th Sunday - Oct. 17, 2010: Potluck Lunch! 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm @ Eastman Cabin #9 – Bays Mtn. Rec. Area. Bring your Family, favorite dish and a drink! Thank you all and we hope to see you at the Reunion!!
Saturday, October 16th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Spring Fling
Allendale Barn - Kingsport, TN
- Lots of food and a D.J. providing music. My # is 423-571-7252 if you have questions. You can email me at debtn2307@yahoo.com or at snhs1987@yahoo.com
Saturday, May 16th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 Year Class Reunion - Class of 1989
Meadowview Marriot Conference Resort - 1901 Meadowview Parkway - Kingsport, TN 37660
Please provide email address (preferred) or mailing address to Contact Email Address below so that we may get in touch with you. Thanks!!!
Saturday, September 26th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class Reunion
Homecoming Ball game, just pay at the gate. There will be a section for alumni. - September 27th, Eastman Cabin #38 11:30-3:30
Of course everyone knows we are going to start at the Homecoming game on September 26th at 7:30. The school has agreed to give us a section to sit with our families. You can just pay for that at the gates. On Saturday September 27th we are having a luncheon get-together at Eastman Cabins, Cabin #38, from 11:30 to 3:30. Lunch will be catered by Pratt's Barbecue. We will open the time capsule, have a great time catching up, and select a committee for the 20 year reunion. If you, or someone you know, hasn't sent their money in and would still like to attend, there is still time. The cost per adult is $17.00, this will cover the food, decorations, music, and booking fees. There will be receipts for viewing at the reunion. Children ages6-12 are $5.50 and 5 and under are free. Please send in all of the names of your guest when sending in your money as well as your childrens ages. I hope everyone is doing well and is planning on attending the reunion. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me here or via email. kclifton6105@hotmail.com. The money can be mailed to Kasi Clifton 6105 Ball Road Knoxville, TN 37931
Saturday, September 27th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 Year Reunion
Our class reunion details have been finalized! The dates are October 10-11, 2008. Friday, October 10 will be family night with pizza and desserts in the commons area. We are inviting former teachers and the school will be open so you can walk around an
We have flyers with additional info. to email to you or to send to your physical address. Please email little_37660@yahoo.com for the payment address and details. We hope to see you there on Friday and Saturday night!
Friday, October 10th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details