Swansboro High School Alumni

Swansboro, North Carolina (NC)

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Linsey Hollingsworth

Swansboro High School
Class of 2000

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Linsey Hollingsworth - Class of 2000 - Swansboro High School
First Name Linsey
Last Name Hollingsworth
Graduation Year Class of 2000
Gender Female
Hometown Hubert, North Carolina
Relationship Status Married
Linsey Hollingsworth - Class of 2000 - Swansboro High School

Class of 2000 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 18 class of 2000 alumni that have joined.

Tracy Dickerson

Tracy Dickerson
Class of 1990

George Hankovich

George Hankovich
Class of 1971

Ricky Richerson

Ricky Richerson
Class of 1967

Kayla Walker

Kayla Walker
Class of 1990

Tim Lee

Tim Lee
Class of 1989

Oj Johnston

Oj Johnston
Class of 1987

Paula Middleton

Paula Middleton
Class of 1969

Laura Clements

Laura Clements
Class of 1983

Karissa Gallagher

Karissa Gallagher
Class of 2008

Leilani Criss

Leilani Criss
Class of 2004

Carol Carney

Carol Carney
Class of 1988

Connie Murphy

Connie Murphy
Class of 1967

Liz Garcia

Liz Garcia
Class of 1992

Linwood Koonce

Linwood Koonce
Class of 1958

Paul Mcbride

Paul Mcbride
Class of 1989

Laura Clarkson

Laura Clarkson
Class of 1979

Michelle Burns

Michelle Burns
Class of 1986

Alicia Stilwell

Alicia Stilwell
Class of 2002

Debra Doucette

Debra Doucette
Class of 1997

Beth Hopkins

Beth Hopkins
Class of 1972

Gwindolyn Fonville

Gwindolyn Fonville
Class of 1970

Michelle Shoemaker

Michelle Shoemaker
Class of 1987

Christopher Frend

Christopher Frend
Class of 2002

Tonya Holliday

Tonya Holliday
Class of 1992