T F Riggs High School Alumni

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Alison Noftsger (Alison Charlson)

T F Riggs High School
Class of 1989

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Alison Charlson - Class of 1989 - T F Riggs High School
First Name Alison
Last Name Noftsger
Maiden Name Charlson
Graduation Year Class of 1989
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province IA
Country United States
Married Yes
Alison Charlson - Class of 1989 - T F Riggs High School

Class of 1989 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 17 class of 1989 alumni that have joined.

Audrey Aasby

Audrey Aasby
Class of 1973

Mike Hoffman

Mike Hoffman
Class of 1991

Holly Lindbloom

Holly Lindbloom
Class of 2009

Samantha Dewell

Samantha Dewell
Class of 2002

Marilyn Bennett

Marilyn Bennett
Class of 1968

Brittney Huber

Brittney Huber
Class of 2001

Penne Bloom

Penne Bloom
Class of 1965

Rodney Anderson

Rodney Anderson
Class of 1986

Kathy Klein

Kathy Klein
Class of 1980

Kathy O'donnell

Kathy O'donnell
Class of 1962

Lois Pinckney

Lois Pinckney
Class of 1963

Doug Quenzer Doug Quenzer

Doug Quenzer Doug Quenzer
Class of 1973

Jerri Jerri Willingham

Jerri Jerri Willingham
Class of 1978

James Johnson

James Johnson
Class of 2003

Carol Nelson

Carol Nelson
Class of 1965

Doug Stewart

Doug Stewart
Class of 1980

Jeffrey Peters

Jeffrey Peters
Class of 1972

Cathleen Ducey

Cathleen Ducey
Class of 1965

Mike Sulkosky

Mike Sulkosky
Class of 1964

Michael Jorgensen

Michael Jorgensen
Class of 2000

Rick Maas

Rick Maas
Class of 1977

Mike Schmidt

Mike Schmidt
Class of 1973

Dale Jirsa

Dale Jirsa
Class of 1975

Tamyra Ree

Tamyra Ree
Class of 1986