Morgan School Class of 1973 41-year Reunion
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Morgan School Class Of 1973 41-year Reunion


August 2nd, 2014 6:00pm - 11:00pm


Clinton Country Club
128 Old Post Rd. (Rte 145) , Clinton , Connecticut , 06413

ticket prices

Reunion Dinner & Dancing - 1 adult - $75.00

Invited Classes


About Event

Friday night (8/1)- casual gathering at Chips Pub, Clinton
Saturday night (8/2) - Dinner and dancing CCC ($75. pp)
Sunday (8/3) - Cookout at Town Beach (weather permitting)

Make checks payable to: Morgan Class of 1973
Send payments before July 18, 2014 to: Nancy Vece Shuss, 45 Neck Rd., Clinton, CT 06413

Facebook group name: The Morgan School Class of 1973 Reunion
Questions? Email:

Morgan School Class of 1973 41-year Reunion
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Recent Comments

Louise Howe '73 said:

IMPORTANT NOTICE CLASS of '73! Anyone who plans to attend the 'big event' - Saturday's dinner/dance at the Clinton Country Club -- who has not yet paid for the event, MUST pay $75. CASH (per person) at the door.* No exceptions! No debits cards, credit cards, checks, casino chips, tortilla chips, I.O.U.s, etc. will be accepted as payment. No cashy - no entry. No kidding. :-b
We're so excited to be in the final stretch of preparations for our reunion on Saturday and cannot wait to see you all! And, don't forget about our casual get together at Chips Pub III at 7:00 pm this Friday, Aug. 1 as well as a cookout at the Town Beach on Sunday (weather permitting.) More details to follow.

Louise Howe '73 posted a photo:

On Facebook? Please join our Morgan Class of 1973 Facebook group and reconnect with classmates!

Louise Howe '73 said:

One week left to purchase tickets to our 41-year class reunion! Please RSVP to !! See program, payment info in the main reunion posting. Questions? Call Louise Howe at 203-671-5345 .

Reunion Apparel