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Melissa Smith (Melissa Oberman)

Thomas Stone High School
Class of 1979

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First Name Melissa
Last Name Smith
Maiden Name Oberman
Graduation Year Class of 1979
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province PA
Country United States
Married Divorced
Favorite School Memory Tripping in class, when I showed up.
About Me Raised children, made a ton of money, blew the ton of money, became a child of God thru salvation, the prodical child, been thru ups and downs, by the Grace of God, lived thru it all, owned the best auto body shop in Northern VA, then lost it all due to oxycontin, moved to PA, the Holy Spirit delivered me of my addiction since 2007. Anyone surprised? Been married and divorced twice, not cause of me, I wasn't very good at picking my spouse, lol, my youngest is getting ready to turn 18, be starting my life soon, never to late, have a strong desire to live near a beach. I'm into keeping in shape, eating healthy, and now to allow God to find me that special man I can spend the rest of my life with by enjoying my children and grandchildren.. I'm thankful every day I'm alive and well, my ch...(read more)
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Class of 1979 Alumni

→ Reunite with 57 class of 1979 alumni that have joined.

Amelia Sims

Amelia Sims
Class of 2004

Jerome Gates

Jerome Gates
Class of 1984

Erin Gehrman

Erin Gehrman
Class of 2000

Mike Yakes

Mike Yakes
Class of 1995

Craig Lindner

Craig Lindner
Class of 1979

Jason Kriner

Jason Kriner
Class of 2002

Merton Myers

Merton Myers
Class of 1995

Tinica Smith

Tinica Smith
Class of 2000

George Vann

George Vann
Class of 1980

David Brent

David Brent
Class of 1997

Darrell Disque

Darrell Disque
Class of 1985

James (jim ) Lavine

James (jim ) Lavine
Class of 1974

Tammy Ellison

Tammy Ellison
Class of 1977

Carl Chenoweth

Carl Chenoweth
Class of 1972

Mike Faasen

Mike Faasen
Class of 1992

Randy Tindell

Randy Tindell
Class of 1983

Ford Travers

Ford Travers
Class of 2004

Bryan Arnold

Bryan Arnold
Class of 1990

Debbie Oglesby

Debbie Oglesby
Class of 1982

Michael Bernoi

Michael Bernoi
Class of 1978

Antonio Ware

Antonio Ware
Class of 2006

Sherry Zveare

Sherry Zveare
Class of 1991

Lyda Greene

Lyda Greene
Class of 1980

Shawn Flynn

Shawn Flynn
Class of 1982