Thomasville High School Alumni

Thomasville, North Carolina (NC)

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Lost & Found Thomasville High School Class Rings

Class rings are the mark of school pride and accomplishments. If you have lost or found a fellow Bulldogs class ring post the information here. If you lost a ring, describe it and include a contact email address. If you found a class ring describe it, post where you found it and include your email address. Your email address will not be made visible on the site. We will use it to contact you if need be.

Please contact us if you have information about any of the posts below:
3rd time listing- have not seen this listed yet 1969 Thomasville High School ring size 10-11 male initials SFH lost in 1971 in Concord, NC by Teresa McCoig helping friend move Steven Hinkle

posted January 28th, 2023
1969 - size 10-11, male, initials SFH, lost in 1971 in Concord, NC

posted January 27th, 2023
Class of 1969 - Thomasville High School - Steven Hinkle - Male Size 10-11, Lost in 1971 probably in Concord,NC by Teresa McCoig helping friend move - iniatials SFH

posted January 27th, 2023
Class of 1969 Thomasville High School Male size 10-11, iniatials - SFH, possibly lost in Concord, NC around 1971

posted January 26th, 2023
1970 thomasville class ring. Initials tjk

posted June 23rd, 2017
my name is janet angela harper landreth. graduated 1979 Thomasville. boyfriend took ring would not return it. he lived in marion n.c at the time in 1980. my ring has jah inside ring. bulldog on one side. band design on other. yellow stone with bulldog inside stone. im on facebook.

posted June 19th, 2015
Gold 1995 State Championship Ring found in Albemarle NC. Name THOMAS is on ring Contact Bob Mayton, 704-796-3900.

posted May 25th, 2011
Class of 1981 Thomasville High male class ring with initials AMT inside. The outside has a bulldog with a T above it and the other side has a running shoe w/wings. I think its for someone who did track&field.

posted December 4th, 2010
class of 1977-Daugherty High School- ingraved RWI Contact Brian @ phone# 1-706- 944-0478

posted May 4th, 2010
I have found a Thomasville senior High school class ring "class of 78'" .The ring was found at least 15 years ago. I tried to find the owner numberous times with no luck but then found this website and hoping it will help me to find the rightfull owner I have contacted the company, HJ ULTRIUM, that made the ring, but they couldnt help me due to there records not going back that far. The ring is in MINT shape. It has been buried in my safe and forgotten until reciently. Mens size 9/10. It has an illedgable name hand scratched in the inner portionof it. I am giving limited details because I want the rightful owner to get it back. I can be contacted at If you could please get back with me so this ring can be back with its owner because I know how sentimental a class ring can be. Thanks for your help.

Dan Bessent

posted August 14th, 2009
Girls Class Ring found in South Carolina (Gatch Home)
Graduation Year 1968
Initials Inside RAK
Please contact Thom Tharpe 1-800-654-0593 Ext. 2

posted September 24th, 2008
Girls Class Ring found in South Carolina (Gatch Home)
Graduation Year 1968
Initials Inside RAK
Please contact Tom Tharpe if this is your ring or if you know who's it may be.
1-800-654-0593 Ext. 2

posted September 24th, 2008
class of '91, wrestling, marvin, mjb on inside , blue stone with bulldog, silver or white gold

posted June 6th, 2008
Class of '70
initials rim

posted January 17th, 2008

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Class of '72

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Help make someone’s holiday season even better by reuniting them with their class ring. Class rings can hold a lot of meaning for some people and losing it can be heartbreaking. Our Thomasville High School Lost Rings page is the perfect place to post and reunite someone with his or her lost class ring. If you have lost your class ring or found someone else’s simply enter all the details you can about the ring so it can be easily identified. Be sure to put your contact information on the post so that the owner of the ring can reach you.

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