Thurston High School Alumni
Springfield, Oregon (OR)
Thurston High School - Class of 1966 Alumni, Springfield OR
Join 12 alumni from Thurston High School Class of 1966. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Shirley Coker
Class of 1966

Sharon Coleman
Class of 1966

Donald Nickell
Class of 1966

Marilyn Smith
Class of 1966

June Smith
Class of 1966

Chris Platt Reeves
Class of 1966

Rick Carey
Class of 1966

Steve Lesley
Class of 1966

Greg Mohler
Class of 1966

Errick (rick) Married Linda Manning Class Of 69
Class of 1966

Jacqui Mason
Class of 1966

Lawrence R. Mead
Class of 1966
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