Tilden High School Alumni

Chicago, Illinois (IL)

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Lost & Found Tilden High School Class Rings

Class rings are the mark of school pride and accomplishments. If you have lost or found a fellow Blue Devils class ring post the information here. If you lost a ring, describe it and include a contact email address. If you found a class ring describe it, post where you found it and include your email address. Your email address will not be made visible on the site. We will use it to contact you if need be.

Please contact us if you have information about any of the posts below:
1959 EWoods

posted March 6th, 2024
Blue ruby with the initials PC

posted November 15th, 2023
Ladies 1968 10k Gold ring with Blue stone CLC initial lost in Bridgeport area same year (1968) long shot I know.

posted August 18th, 2023
Clear/rainbow class of 73

posted June 15th, 2023
Lost 1961 Class Ring

posted March 4th, 2023
Lost 1963 Tilden Tech class ring at a forest preserve in Chicago. May have initials LP

posted January 12th, 2021
Lost class ring from Tilden Tech HS 1964 with SBH on the inside with a blue sapphire in the middle. Believe I lost it at SIU in Carbondale I'll. Will pay!!!

posted September 9th, 2020
1968 ladies ring ,Blue Stone, Blue devils init CLC

posted August 31st, 2020
Gold with 1971 birth stone amethyst

posted August 6th, 2020
Lost 1965 Tilden Tech class ring. Gold, silver center with 2 blue stones on each side of center.

posted January 22nd, 2020
Found a Tilden HS 1972 class ring in Tucson, AZ. If you lost one, please email me to describe and identify name of inscription.

posted October 24th, 2019
I lost a 1964 TT class ring at SIU with a blue stone & the initials SBH on the inside of the ring. It was back in 1965 when I lost it, would be most thankful with a reward if found!

posted July 31st, 2018
Lost my Ring l believe a size 7 or 7 1/2 with initials BJ. I went on a Job Interview went into Bathroom; took off Ring to wash my hands ; left out when l noticed no Ring on my finger ret'd to bathroom but it was gone! My Mom had an electrical fire all my items from that year 1968 were destroyed, Prom Pics, Grad. Pics, l would love to retain that Ring for its memories....all l have left...even my Diploma!!

posted May 16th, 2018
Gold 1960 men's ring...blue stone on each side ofmiddle

posted August 31st, 2017
Class ring 1968 female

posted July 12th, 2017
Blue stone, with large T (Tilden)With initials CK

posted March 3rd, 2016
Found a 1970 Tilden HS class ring. Initals JN. Email me at karenstartzel@yahoo.com if this is your ring.

posted April 30th, 2014
Lost class ring at Southern Ill University back in 1965. The ring was a 1964 class ring from Tilden Tech 14k with a blue safire stone with SBH on the inside.

posted November 15th, 2013
1968 on ring black stone lost 45 wallace

posted October 7th, 2012
I found a class ring that belong's to Juan From 1991. Ring is Silver and Gold. Has Blue gem. Say's Blue Devils. Music. Please E-mail me at Drowzy15@yahoo.com.

posted April 18th, 2012

Classmates Spotlight

Tilden High School Classmates

Nayeli Hernandez
Class of '02

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School News

Alumni Holiday Party & Toy Drive.

Dec 20, 2014 at The New Halsted Bowl 12345 S. Halsted 7pm-12Midnite. Please Donate a Toy for Kids age 6-12yrs of age. We...
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Help make someone’s holiday season even better by reuniting them with their class ring. Class rings can hold a lot of meaning for some people and losing it can be heartbreaking. Our Tilden High School Lost Rings page is the perfect place to post and reunite someone with his or her lost class ring. If you have lost your class ring or found someone else’s simply enter all the details you can about the ring so it can be easily identified. Be sure to put your contact information on the post so that the owner of the ring can reach you.

Go Blue Devils!