Tivy High School End Of Summer Class Reunion Multi Year
August 27th, 2016 1:00pm
(ending August 28th, 2016)
Kerrville city Park, (old State park)
Bandera Hwy riverside
, Kerrville
, Texas
, 78028
Invited Classes
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About Event
We will be cooking hamburgers and hot dogs,,, bring enough for your family,,, also bring a pot lunch side. Drinks are on you, so bring your own drinks. Family is welcome.. NO real things going on just sitting back and BSing, swimming and having a good time.
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Mark Workman '79 said:
Looking for two people. Would be class of 82. Gladys Meyers and Karla Kirby. Does anybody know where they are. Please contact me. At workload@cox.net.
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