Torrington High School Alumni

Torrington, Wyoming (WY)

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Gregg Scott

Torrington High School
Class of 1973

→ Join 1506 Alumni from Torrington High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 65 classes, starting with the class of 1938 all the way up to class of 2013.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Gregg
Last Name Scott
Graduation Year Class of 1973
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province WY
Country United States
Occupation retired
Married No
Favorite School Memory our car
About Me built many bridges, crane operator/welder
No photo uploaded

Class of 1973 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 21 class of 1973 alumni that have joined.

Teresa Hyatt

Teresa Hyatt
Class of 1992

Meranda Teske

Meranda Teske
Class of 2010

Tammra Clutter

Tammra Clutter
Class of 1991

Jamie Cunningham

Jamie Cunningham
Class of 2001

Kathy A Kapela Schaneman

Kathy A Kapela Schaneman
Class of 1969

Jamie Sargent

Jamie Sargent
Class of 1992

Gary Dominguez

Gary Dominguez
Class of 1984

Shaw Sutter

Shaw Sutter
Class of 1998

Laura Deines

Laura Deines
Class of 1991

Peter Collins

Peter Collins
Class of 1973

Jacob Gordon

Jacob Gordon
Class of 2008

Jeff Deines

Jeff Deines
Class of 1987

Jack Zerwas

Jack Zerwas
Class of 1980

Willis Wood

Willis Wood
Class of 2003

Belle Dickinson

Belle Dickinson
Class of 1973

Earnie Cuthbertson

Earnie Cuthbertson
Class of 1973

Ben Hays

Ben Hays
Class of 1998

Bridgette Plemmons

Bridgette Plemmons
Class of 2001

Fred Santillanes

Fred Santillanes
Class of 1956

April April Percifield

April April Percifield
Class of 2004

Thomas Perryman

Thomas Perryman
Class of 1969

Joanne Coffee

Joanne Coffee
Class of 1974

Tim Ruefli

Tim Ruefli
Class of 1960

Tammy Marshall

Tammy Marshall
Class of 1977