Troy Area High School Alumni
Troy, Pennsylvania (PA)
Alexandra Bailey (Alexandra Katona)
Troy Area High School
Class of 1989
→ Join 1468 Alumni from Troy Area High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 66 classes, starting with the class of 1922 all the way up to class of 2023.
First Name | Alexandra |
Last Name | Bailey |
Maiden Name | Katona |
Graduation Year | Class of 1989 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | NY |
Country | United States |
Occupation | ER Registration Nurse |
Married | Yes |
Favorite School Memory | Class Trip, the dinner cruise, the plump "man" singing Somewhere over the rainbow, I couldn't take it anymore and got up and starting singing with him,,,,he got mad. snif |
About Me | Growing up, Settling down, being a momma, Learning as much as possible |
Class of 1989 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 16 class of 1989 alumni that have joined.
Jamie Walmsley
Class of 1999
Fred J
Class of 1967
Lisa Lisa Kucsan
Class of 1985
Tammy Smith
Class of 1980
Carson Woods
Class of 1967
Mark Watson
Class of 2001
Russell Williams
Class of 1983
Earl Ayers
Class of 1966
Hilary Lindsey
Class of 2007
James Shedden
Class of 1981
Tom Masters
Class of 1979
Jean Hulslander
Class of 1966
Beverly Tinsley
Class of 1989
Sara Jo Hall
Class of 1964
Suzanne Chubb
Class of 1981
Ronald Kittle
Class of 1977
King Mecham
Class of 1952
Dori Bruce
Class of 1988
Audrey Ward
Class of 1937
Shelly Harkness
Class of 1984
Clarence Rarick
Class of 1978
Linda Voorhees
Class of 1977
Steve Beers
Class of 1988
Pennie Call
Class of 1989