Tunkhannock High School Alumni

Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania (PA)

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Dana Evans

Tunkhannock High School
Class of 1993

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Dana Evans - Class of 1993 - Tunkhannock High School
First Name Dana
Last Name Evans
Graduation Year Class of 1993
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province GA
Country United States
Occupation QA Associate III
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Band Camp Days
About Me Graduated from Albright College, moved to GA, got married, and had two boys.
Dana Evans - Class of 1993 - Tunkhannock High School

Class of 1993 Alumni

→ Reunite with 37 class of 1993 alumni that have joined.

Charlette Brown

Charlette Brown
Class of 2002

John Lopez

John Lopez
Class of 1997

Samantha Ide

Samantha Ide
Class of 2007

Richard Scott

Richard Scott
Class of 1993

Ashley Gensel Backes

Ashley Gensel Backes
Class of 2008

Brian David

Brian David
Class of 1997

Pete Trudniak

Pete Trudniak
Class of 1986

Joseph Urpack

Joseph Urpack
Class of 1989

Teresa Anderson

Teresa Anderson
Class of 1974

Steven Derr

Steven Derr
Class of 1992

Shelly Heard

Shelly Heard
Class of 1999

Chuck Jackson

Chuck Jackson
Class of 1993

Kristin O'connor

Kristin O'connor
Class of 1984

Pete Owens

Pete Owens
Class of 1986

Michael Snyder

Michael Snyder
Class of 1987

Mary Miller

Mary Miller
Class of 1981

Walter Walter Sherwood

Walter Walter Sherwood
Class of 1976

Joycelyn Jenkins

Joycelyn Jenkins
Class of 1993

Clair Russell

Clair Russell
Class of 1973

Lauranel Nemeth

Lauranel Nemeth
Class of 1997

Christian Stark

Christian Stark
Class of 1990

Olivia Strunk

Olivia Strunk
Class of 2006

John Witter

John Witter
Class of 1989

Dawn Cook

Dawn Cook
Class of 1985