Turner Ashby High School Alumni

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April Scheermesser

Turner Ashby High School
Class of 1999

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→ There are 63 classes, starting with the class of 1957 all the way up to class of 2022.


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First Name April
Last Name Scheermesser
Graduation Year Class of 1999
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province PA
Country United States
Occupation Nursing
Married Divorced
About Me got married, had a kid, got divorced, moved to PA, found my soul mate :)
No photo uploaded

Class of 1999 Alumni

→ Reunite with 33 class of 1999 alumni that have joined.

Scott Grogg

Scott Grogg
Class of 1998

Alan Hottinger

Alan Hottinger
Class of 1984

Justin Moyers

Justin Moyers
Class of 2003

Jennifer Smith

Jennifer Smith
Class of 1985

Angel Deeter

Angel Deeter
Class of 2006

Debbie Lash

Debbie Lash
Class of 1974

Christina Dove

Christina Dove
Class of 1998

Reuben Rion

Reuben Rion
Class of 1994

Lisa May

Lisa May
Class of 1992

Kate Housden

Kate Housden
Class of 1997

John Stevens

John Stevens
Class of 2007

Larry Jessee

Larry Jessee
Class of 1984

Miriam Zehr

Miriam Zehr
Class of 1966

Kristy Halterman

Kristy Halterman
Class of 1999

Darlene Shipe

Darlene Shipe
Class of 2003

Travis Dellinger

Travis Dellinger
Class of 2001

Mary Huffer

Mary Huffer
Class of 1972

Marsha Garst

Marsha Garst
Class of 1986

Brenda Mitchell

Brenda Mitchell
Class of 1983

Carol Poole

Carol Poole
Class of 1963

Kim Emerson

Kim Emerson
Class of 1973

Carl Deginter

Carl Deginter
Class of 1981

Perry Smith

Perry Smith
Class of 1976

Sarah Rogers

Sarah Rogers
Class of 1990