United High School Alumni
Hanoverton, Ohio (OH)
April Louk Smith (April Burnham)
United High School
Class of 1982
→ Join 2318 Alumni from United High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 64 classes, starting with the class of 1952 all the way up to class of 2022.
First Name | April |
Last Name | Louk Smith |
Maiden Name | Burnham |
Graduation Year | Class of 1982 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | OH |
Country | United States |
Occupation | Caregiver, X-ray Tech |
Married | Widowed |
Favorite School Memory | having fun with friends |
Class of 1982 Alumni
→ Reunite with 42 class of 1982 alumni that have joined.
Jon Russell
Class of 1983
Bobbi Crosser
Class of 1993
Melissa Thomas
Class of 1986
Jay Swords
Class of 1988
Sam Jones
Class of 1999
Brandon Bentfeld
Class of 2006
Tom Saunders
Class of 1970
Hope Davis
Class of 1998
Heather Anderson
Class of 2001
Chad Wood
Class of 1992
Laura Thompson
Class of 1978
Betty Dorsey
Class of 1977
Steve Mix
Class of 1994
Sharlene Lyons
Class of 1961
Robert Anderson
Class of 1964
Tara Gray Tara Gray
Class of 2013
Jeffery Pitts
Class of 1980
Justin Wickersham
Class of 1993
Kelly Hippley
Class of 1999
Wayne Strudthoff
Class of 1985
Frances Oliver
Class of 1982
Hallie Wasik
Class of 2020
Milissa Shinn
Class of 1986
Mendy Smith
Class of 1985
Recent Class of 1982 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1982 Reunion for Free
30 Year Class Reunion Dinner
Invited Classes: 1982
Date: Jul 07, 2012
Description: The event starts at 6 PM with dinner provided by the Fifth Season Banquet Center starting at 6:30 PM. RSVP by June 22nd...(read more)
CLASS OF 1981 - 30the REUNION
Invited Classes: All Classes
Date: Aug 27, 2011
Description: Time: 5:30 PM Cocktails - Cookout at 6:30 PM - Burgers, Dogs, Slaw, Beans and Dessert Cost: 12.00 per person (kids wel...(read more)