University City High School Alumni
San Diego, California (CA)
Stephen Jobs (Stephen Gates)
University City High School
Class of 1983
→ Join 1896 Alumni from University City High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 48 classes, starting with the class of 1908 all the way up to class of 2022.
Class of 1983 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 28 class of 1983 alumni that have joined.
Kimberly Kelso
Class of 1985
Jane Sato
Class of 1990
Ricardo Singer
Class of 1983
Jeff Layton
Class of 1991
Lynn Ji
Class of 1997
Johnny Sphabmixay
Class of 2006
John Eric Zvirbulis
Class of 1983
Joel Hobs
Class of 2003
Karen Kelso
Class of 1987
Anna Podgornaia
Class of 2004
David Gladstone
Class of 1986
Amy Beck
Class of 1992
Celeste Robles
Class of 1997
Omar Yhyia
Class of 2012
Stacie Ball
Class of 1988
Laura Bosmans
Class of 2001
Julie Lingo
Class of 1986
Jonathan Rudy
Class of 2005
Reg Holzbaur
Class of 1988
Michael Michael Arthur Schadegg
Class of 2001
Donnie Donnie Nelson
Class of 1990
Anna Olssen
Class of 1988
Orvilyn Ordonez
Class of 1996
John Ulrich
Class of 1986