Valley High School Alumni

West Des Moines, Iowa (IA)

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Valley High School - Class of 1994 Alumni, West Des Moines IA

Join 17 alumni from Valley High School Class of 1994. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Jason Richer

Jason Richer
Class of 1994

Joe Tritchler

Joe Tritchler
Class of 1994

Chris Wicker

Chris Wicker
Class of 1994

Ryan Geringer

Ryan Geringer
Class of 1994

Nicole Brammer

Nicole Brammer
Class of 1994

Krista Martinson

Krista Martinson
Class of 1994

Brandy Grandbois

Brandy Grandbois
Class of 1994

Matthew Linder

Matthew Linder
Class of 1994

Amy Dexheimer

Amy Dexheimer
Class of 1994

Philip Norman

Philip Norman
Class of 1994

Bill Spears

Bill Spears
Class of 1994

Jason Jason Baker

Jason Jason Baker
Class of 1994

Amy Rodgers

Amy Rodgers
Class of 1994

Ginger Lee

Ginger Lee
Class of 1994

Lisa Millls

Lisa Millls
Class of 1994

Joy Phillips

Joy Phillips
Class of 1994

Charles Timber

Charles Timber
Class of 1994

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