Valley High School Alumni
Albuquerque, New Mexico (NM)
Valley High School - Class of 1964 Alumni, Albuquerque NM
Join 42 alumni from Valley High School Class of 1964. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Michael Perry
Class of 1964
Sylvia Anaya
Class of 1964
Vivian Sawtelle
Class of 1964
Esther Pringle Duffer
Class of 1964
Vic Romero
Class of 1964
Steven Woodard
Class of 1964
Patricia Hubbell
Class of 1964
Robbie Schell
Class of 1964
Rose Tagliaferri
Class of 1964
Raymond Gutierrez
Class of 1964
Mikell Becker
Class of 1964
Carol Leopold
Class of 1964
Pat Garrett
Class of 1964
Yolanda Martinez
Class of 1964
Carolyn Bowra
Class of 1964
Virginia Stubben
Class of 1964
Alina Puig
Class of 1964
Donald Dunning
Class of 1964
Jim Chaplin
Class of 1964
Randy Duran
Class of 1964
James Bowman
Class of 1964
Charles Barone
Class of 1964
Richard (rico) Johnston
Class of 1964
Theresa Gallegos
Class of 1964
Jim Ciccarello
Class of 1964
Betty Timmons
Class of 1964
Sylvia Gonzales
Class of 1964
Steve Horchheimer
Class of 1964
Gary Bland
Class of 1964
Mike Faris
Class of 1964
Ed Vaillancourt
Class of 1964
Dennis L
Class of 1964
Rick Gutierrez
Class of 1964
Kathleen Burrall
Class of 1964
Robert Umstead
Class of 1964
Evangeline Tafoya
Class of 1964
Leslie Fluke
Class of 1964
Larry Clark
Class of 1964
Dennis Kimbrough
Class of 1964
Beverly Dodge
Class of 1964
Mike Sheyka
Class of 1964
Sheri Galbreath
Class of 1964
Nearby Valley Classmates
Class of 1962
46 classmates have joined
Class of 1963
34 classmates have joined
Class of 1965
35 classmates have joined
Class of 1966
49 classmates have joined