Venice High School Alumni

Venice, Florida (FL)

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Betty Lewis Obituary

Betty Lewis attended Venice High School in Venice, FL. View the obituary, post a memory, or share a photo about Betty Lewis.

Graduation Year Class of 1966
Date of Passing (unknown)
About (no additional information)
Betty Lewis

Classmate Memories

Earnestine Dunbar '67 said:

I remember Betty Lewis. As teenagers, we were friendly to each other and had some fun times together. Unfortunately, after I graduated from Venice High School in 1967, we didn’t keep in touch. I went to college in Tallahassee, Florida and then moved to Dallas, Texas in 1979. I’m still living in Texas.

My heartfelt condolences to Betty Lewis’ family. May Betty rest in peace.

-Earnestine Dunbar-Cole-

