Villa Park High School Alumni

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Villa Park High School - Class of 1967 Alumni

Join 43 alumni from Villa Park High School Class of 1967. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Patricia Patricia O'malley

Patricia Patricia O'malley
Class of 1967

Linda Riddick

Linda Riddick
Class of 1967

Tim Tim A Nicholson

Tim Tim A Nicholson
Class of 1967

Robert Robert Grant Hobson

Robert Robert Grant Hobson
Class of 1967

Rod Rod Marolf

Rod Rod Marolf
Class of 1967

Cherie Edwards

Cherie Edwards
Class of 1967

Kenneth Smith

Kenneth Smith
Class of 1967

Bonne Korse

Bonne Korse
Class of 1967

William Fladeland

William Fladeland
Class of 1967

Malcolm Hotchkiss

Malcolm Hotchkiss
Class of 1967

Linda Johnson

Linda Johnson
Class of 1967

Shirley Goins

Shirley Goins
Class of 1967

Dale Strasshofer

Dale Strasshofer
Class of 1967

Chuck Tomkinson

Chuck Tomkinson
Class of 1967

Russell Wells

Russell Wells
Class of 1967

Michael Franz

Michael Franz
Class of 1967

Candice Freeland

Candice Freeland
Class of 1967

Cyndee Paulus

Cyndee Paulus
Class of 1967

Judy Hanlin

Judy Hanlin
Class of 1967

Shelley Stephens

Shelley Stephens
Class of 1967

Jana Nelson

Jana Nelson
Class of 1967

Clifford Robinson

Clifford Robinson
Class of 1967

Bruce Melsheimer

Bruce Melsheimer
Class of 1967

Cyndi Norris-cromwell

Cyndi Norris-cromwell
Class of 1967

William Mcnames

William Mcnames
Class of 1967

John Smiley

John Smiley
Class of 1967

David Stephens

David Stephens
Class of 1967

Carlene Petersen

Carlene Petersen
Class of 1967

Holden Magroin

Holden Magroin
Class of 1967

Bob Kennedy Kennedy

Bob Kennedy Kennedy
Class of 1967

David Ruhnke

David Ruhnke
Class of 1967

John Griffith

John Griffith
Class of 1967

Donald Kennedy

Donald Kennedy
Class of 1967

Bill Burbridge

Bill Burbridge
Class of 1967

Scott Gibson

Scott Gibson
Class of 1967

Chuck Barr

Chuck Barr
Class of 1967

Mike Stamp

Mike Stamp
Class of 1967

Darlene Greenwood

Darlene Greenwood
Class of 1967

Linda Johnson

Linda Johnson
Class of 1967

Patricia Lance

Patricia Lance
Class of 1967

Bruce Robinson

Bruce Robinson
Class of 1967

Judith Berry

Judith Berry
Class of 1967

Diane Guernsey

Diane Guernsey
Class of 1967

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