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Audrey Mcvean (Audrey Dugard)

Wakefield High School
Class of 1961

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Audrey Dugard - Class of 1961 - Wakefield High School
First Name Audrey
Last Name Mcvean
Maiden Name Dugard
Graduation Year Class of 1961
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province SC
Country United States
Audrey Dugard - Class of 1961 - Wakefield High School

Class of 1961 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 30 class of 1961 alumni that have joined.

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Laura Singh

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Bobby Hand

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Class of 1976

Ellis Bragg

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Class of 1965

James Zambrana

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George Jordan

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Class of 1967

Faisal Ali

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Sandy Readmond

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Class of 1982

Randy Lucas

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Class of 1974

Rubidia Garcia

Rubidia Garcia
Class of 1993

Sulma Sanches

Sulma Sanches
Class of 2003

Mary Johnson

Mary Johnson
Class of 1962

Pamela Stock

Pamela Stock
Class of 1974

Rosalyn Moore

Rosalyn Moore
Class of 1979

Martin Quinlan

Martin Quinlan
Class of 1981

Hoyt Johnson

Hoyt Johnson
Class of 1964

Larry Rucker

Larry Rucker
Class of 2002