Waltham High School Alumni

Waltham, Massachusetts (MA)

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Michelle Cormier (Michelle Leblanc)

Waltham High School
Class of 1987

→ Join 3418 Alumni from Waltham High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 92 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2025.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Michelle
Last Name Cormier
Maiden Name Leblanc
Graduation Year Class of 1987
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province MA
Country United States
Occupation Office Manager
Married Yes
No photo uploaded

Class of 1987 Alumni

→ Reunite with 52 class of 1987 alumni that have joined.

Marline Lerouge

Marline Lerouge
Class of 2007

Wayne Lord

Wayne Lord
Class of 1969

Cynthia Hoffmann

Cynthia Hoffmann
Class of 1988

Gina Papia

Gina Papia
Class of 1981

Kevin Cloherty

Kevin Cloherty
Class of 1982

Michael Kehoe

Michael Kehoe
Class of 1979

Martha Pineda

Martha Pineda
Class of 1999

Steven Champeon

Steven Champeon
Class of 1984

Bill Keefe

Bill Keefe
Class of 1969

Yuji Hairston

Yuji Hairston
Class of 1999

Brian Fogg

Brian Fogg
Class of 1979

Susan Costa

Susan Costa
Class of 1968

Natasia Natasia A Thomas

Natasia Natasia A Thomas
Class of 2003

Bruce S Bixby

Bruce S Bixby
Class of 1952

Cynthia Palmiotto

Cynthia Palmiotto
Class of 1973

Michael Marchand

Michael Marchand
Class of 1978

James Herard

James Herard
Class of 2014

Marc Vacca

Marc Vacca
Class of 1977

Junette Delinois

Junette Delinois
Class of 2001

Alam /

Alam /
Class of 2012

Linda Schooner

Linda Schooner
Class of 1965

Louis Barba

Louis Barba
Class of 1995

Carol Hajian

Carol Hajian
Class of 1980

Marsha Maeland

Marsha Maeland
Class of 1964