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Patricia Woolf (Patricia Reineke)

Wapakoneta High School
Class of 1964

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→ There are 64 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Patricia
Last Name Woolf
Maiden Name Reineke
Graduation Year Class of 1964
Gender Female
Current Location wapakoneta ohio
No photo uploaded

Class of 1964 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 10 class of 1964 alumni that have joined.

Scott Keller

Scott Keller
Class of 1984

Tom Bryan

Tom Bryan
Class of 1964

Carolyn Perez Carolyn Perez

Carolyn Perez Carolyn Perez
Class of 1975

Milissa Kinstle

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Class of 1996

Susanna Nicol

Susanna Nicol
Class of 2007

Ashlee Youngpeters

Ashlee Youngpeters
Class of 2008

Diane Jurosic

Diane Jurosic
Class of 1978

Denisedisney Hein

Denisedisney Hein
Class of 1973

Todd Tittle

Todd Tittle
Class of 1982

Shawna Theis

Shawna Theis
Class of 1995

Kathy Kantner

Kathy Kantner
Class of 1970

John Brown

John Brown
Class of 1991

Kelly Hibner

Kelly Hibner
Class of 1996

Stacey Brown

Stacey Brown
Class of 1996

Laura Bosau

Laura Bosau
Class of 1988

Franklin Howell

Franklin Howell
Class of 1989

Kelly Hall

Kelly Hall
Class of 2003

Rachel Hux

Rachel Hux
Class of 1977

Deborah Dawn Faulder

Deborah Dawn Faulder
Class of 1984

Brian Morey

Brian Morey
Class of 1996

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison
Class of 1985

Deb Hardesty Hardesty

Deb Hardesty Hardesty
Class of 1982

Paul Kaverman

Paul Kaverman
Class of 1983

Florence Green

Florence Green
Class of 1987