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West Bloomfield High School Wb "71" 40th Reunion


August 20th, 2011


Santia Banquet Hall - Keego Harbor, MI - - Block Hotel Arrangements with - Holiday Inn Express in Waterford - Phone #: 1-800-315-2621 - $95.99 per night blocked for August 19-22 - group Code: EG2 - - Comfort Inn in Waterford - Phone #: 248-666-8555

Invited Classes


About Event

We finally have pulled the trigger on the location and Date!!!!!! Hope all can attend.. Please notify all WB Alumni that the event is on for August 20, 2011. It would be great to see all class members attend. Surrounding classes are welcome to RSVP. Hey it is Woodward Cruise Weekend too, Two big events at once wow! what a weekend!!!!!!!!!! You may send checks made out to: West Bloomfield class of 1971 $52.00 per person/cash bar To: Diane Phillips 22992 Nancy Ave Southfield, Mi 48033 Or: John Thompson 69 Lyford Ave Waterford, MI 48328 Paypal Account is now up and taking all your hard earned money! Easiest way to pay is with the "official" Paypal button over at You know you want to go - See Ya At Santia!

WB "71" 40Th Reunion
Reunion Committee

John Thompson '71

John Thompson '71

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

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