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Sean Parr

Western High School
Class of 2001

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Sean Parr - Class of 2001 - Western High School
First Name Sean
Last Name Parr
Graduation Year Class of 2001
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province FL
Country United States
Occupation Firefighter/Paramedic
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Loading a parking block into the back of Steve Triana's truck. And Cat Break, always liked that.
About Me One of the authors of the Port Huron Statement, the original Port Huron Statement, not the compromised second draft; Seattle Seven, that was me... and six other guys; music business, briefly... roadie for Metallica. Speed of Sound Tour
Sean Parr - Class of 2001 - Western High School

Class of 2001 Alumni

→ Reunite with 159 class of 2001 alumni that have joined.

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Chad Sunstrom

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Ramona Moses

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Sheri Steele

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Christopher Valencia

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Regina Keel

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Class of 1988

Marcelo Jaramillo

Marcelo Jaramillo
Class of 2000

Juan Carlos Nanni

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Class of 1985

Jason Larvenz

Jason Larvenz
Class of 1997

A. Vincent Lupo

A. Vincent Lupo
Class of 1991

Erika Mcateer

Erika Mcateer
Class of 2002

Lawrence Hajek

Lawrence Hajek
Class of 2002

Joe Vallone

Joe Vallone
Class of 1988

John Wynn

John Wynn
Class of 1989

Julie Coyle

Julie Coyle
Class of 1991

Kelly Albury

Kelly Albury
Class of 1990

Christopher Christopher Diaz

Christopher Christopher Diaz
Class of 1981